The Three Most Important Things at the End of Life

What makes a good death? Many people prefer not to think about this question in their day-to-day lives. The answer can vary from person to person, depending on individual personalities, interests, and desires. For many, a good death is simple. It means remaining at the place you call home, being physically comfortable, and experiencing things you love until the very end. Hospice care makes these important aspects at the end-of-life possible.

In a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine (2016), 86% of people indicated they would prefer to be home during their final days when battling a terminal illness. Caris staff and volunteers work with patients wherever they live, including but not limited to private homes, long-term nursing centers, assisted living facilities, and other Caris-contracted facilities. Caris services add to the services a patient is already receiving in a facility.

Hospice is a field of healthcare which provides comfort care and symptom control for patients with life-limiting illnesses. The primary goal of hospice care is to promote comfort and dignity through the alleviation of physical, emotional, and spiritual discomfort. Statistically, Caris Healthcare is ranked above other hospices in the nation in symptom control. Our staff is specially trained to manage symptoms and end of life issues. Many of our patient care staff members are professionally certified in hospice care. Staff training is ongoing—we strive to continuously improve—which is consistent with our commitment of providing excellent care at the end of life.

At Caris, we believe end-of-life care is more than addressing the patient’s physical condition. Upon admission, every patient is asked “What three most important things do we need to know about you to provide excellent care?” From the patient’s answers, we craft a personal care program that maximizes comfort, connections with others, and spiritual well-being. A Three Most Important Thing can be as simple as enjoying a favorite candy bar; sometimes it is profound, such as reconnecting with a loved one.

Hospice enables moments and memories that would otherwise not occur. It is the quality of these final moments, after all, that can define a good death.

It’s never too soon to explore your end-of-life options. To learn more about Caris Healthcare visit or call 1-866-694-4848.